Distancing the MEANS for self-harm when we’re in a dark place.
Calling for community support!
Family, Friends, Fellow Veterans and the Shooting Community,
Helping a veteran put time and distance between them and their gun may delay their access to a means of suicide…
and save a life.
WARNING: Before you handle a firearm
All firearm industry professionals and recreational shooters recognize that there are potential risks associated with handling a firearm. Please follow the four universal rules on handling firearms before you work with live ammunition and firearms. One should not be afraid of helping a loved one secure a firearm, but it can be done safely.
Always Keep Firearm Pointed in a Safe direction
Treat All Guns as Though They are Loaded
Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger until You are Ready to Shoot
Always Be Sure of Your Target and What’s Beyond It
Temporarily store a complete firearm.
Building a community of loved ones.
DISCLAIMER - We are not attorneys and this is not legal advice, if you have questions, please consult your attorney.
If you are comfortable and that it is legal, a Texas Resident may temporarily take possession or ask a loved one to take possession of a firearm if it is too great of a risk of suicide.
We are not taking away a firearm, or surrendering a firearm, but rather distancing from lethal means and working with a loved one.
Another alternative is to increase layers to the firearm storage such as adding gun locks, storage cases locks and hard-to-access locations. Even a zip-die down the barrel or into the a firearm’s action (mechanism) can help buy time between lethal means and prevent a suicide.
Observe local laws
Texas Residents may take possession of another private party’s a complete firearm without a licensed dealer’s (FFL) involvement and NICS check as long as they fulfill the legality of doing so under laws such as Texas Penal Code § 46.06 Texas Penal Code § 46.13. (You should not supply firearms for known unlawful acts, or knowingly to minors)
However federal laws prohibit the following people from possessing firearms:
A felony conviction
A domestic violence restraining order against them or a DV misdemeanor conviction
History of Involuntary commitment to a mental health or substance abuse treatment facility
Being found mentally incompetent by a court
Dishonorable discharge from US Armed Forces
Undocumented immigrant status
Unlawful usage of controlled substances
Separate a Critical Part of a Firearm
“Secure the Action”
An easy way to render a firearm safe is to remove critical components.
While this may not apply to all firearms, many firearms are easily disassembled to remove critical components like a bolt, firing pin, barrel or slide.
When smaller (non-serialized) critical components are removed, they are easier to store, physically and legally with a much lower risk of violating any law or endangering children.
If you need help disassembling a firearm, you may click here.
Temporary-Storage Options
Work with a licensed firearm dealer (FFL)
Support from the Firearms Community.
There are many Licensed Firearm Dealers (FFLs) in the local area who are more than happy to help you with storage. Remember that a firearm is a valuable piece of property and FFLs are professional caretakers of these federally controlled items. Gun stores and pawn shops that sell firearms are required to be an FFL holder to sell guns.
Firearms are federally controlled items. While Texas does not require a licensed dealer (FFL) to transfer firearms between private parties (Legal explanation here), there are federally licensed dealers (FFLs) can help transfer. Some FFLs even have programs that can store a firearm for you, however there may be some considerations.
Firearms that go through an FFL may require an ATF Form 4473 to be returned to the original owner.
FFL storage may incur storage fees.
Typically have staff on site to help deal with firearms.
Why is There a Focus on Guns?
Veterans die by suicide by many different ways, but of all the different means, firearms are amongst one of the most effective lethal means… because it was designed to be highly efficient.
Firearms have their place in our society (especially Texas), but they also don’t give us any time as loved ones to talk to a suicide victim before a crisis.
What else is there?
Prescription medication, alcohol, household cleaning items, bladed weapons, and ropes can all be a means to suicide, but this does not mean that we need to clear the house of regular household items. Remember, we are all adults, the veteran may be going through a hard time, but we don’t want to further burden them by removing everything from their lives. Positive steps into re-building and re-integrating a veteran into the community is always the goal.
After service, remember it’s important for us to go A.W.O.L. !

We Can Help.
We know veterans, because we are staffed by veterans.
- Harris County Veterans Services Department.