FFL Services

(Licensed Dealer)

Working With a Dealer (FFL)

Firearms are federally controlled items. While Texas does not require a licensed dealer (FFL) to transfer firearms between private parties (Legal explanation here), there are federally licensed dealers (FFLs) can help transfer. Typically gun stores and pawn shops that sell firearms are required to be an FFL holder to sell guns. Some FFLs even have programs that can store a firearm for you, however there may be some considerations.

  • Firearms that go through an FFL may require an ATF Form 4473 to be returned to the original owner.

  • FFL storage may incur storage fees.

  • Typically have staff on site to help deal with firearms.

Interested in self-storage?

Private residents in Texas with no felony or criminal records can also help each other by self-storage, consider some of these options to directly hold onto a firearm or a component for a loved one.